#9 Saddle Tank
Saddle Tank Dies The saddle tank dies made of MDF (medium density
fiber board), and a sheet of .062" copper.
Forming the Tank Ends Forming the saddle tank ends with the MDF die
and a rawhide mallet. The ends will need to be annealed a couple
Formed Tank End A fully formed tank end. The discoloration is
from annealing and will be cleaned up with metal prep solution.
Riveting the Tank Together For this you need lots of Clecos, (Clecos are
the temporary spring clamps you see sticking out) lots of rivets,
and fairly long arms. Riveting is one of those jobs that is fairly
brainless, but you have to pay close attention to each rivet.
Because if the air riveter slips off the rivet head, it will
go hammering merrily off across your work piece, probably ruining
it. If this happens it's time to start over! This can be a real
hair raiser if it happens to something you have several days
or weeks work tied up in. So you learn to pay close attention
to each and every pesky little rivet.
Tank Outer Shell The saddle tank outer shell, rolled and in the
process of being drilled and fitted to the ends. There's one
more piece to be rolled for the bottom, and then the tunnel for
the steam dome must be made and fitted.
© 2004-2006, Jack Bodenmann, all rights reserved.